© Copyright Danielle Grossman, MFT. All rights reserved. Site Design: Chair 8 Design.

Relationship / Couples

All relationships welcome

All relationships welcome

It takes a lot of courage to show up for relationship counseling. I have huge respect for all clients who come into my office. I work with people who are in any type of adult relationship. This includes people who are:

  • Dating
  • Engaged
  • Married 
  • In long term partnerships
  • In consensual non-monogamous relationships 
  • In open relationships 
  • Friends

  • Siblings 
  • Adult parent/adult child relationships 
  • Seeking all joint sessions 
  • Seeking a mix of individual and joint sessions 
  • Seeking structured premarital counseling 
  • Seeking open-format premarital counseling 
  • Ready to separate respectfully

I help people in relationships to deal with painful and often complicated issues in a healthy and constructive way. These issues include:

  • Lack of emotional connection
  • Lack of sexual intimacy
  • Problems with sexual intimacy
  • Difficulty being vulnerable with each other 
  • Not feeling seen or understood 
  • Estrangement 
  • Jealousy
  • Infidelity 
  • Trauma or abuse histories 
  • Mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder 
  • Alcohol or Substance Abuse problems/Addiction
  • Eating disorders 

  • Financial stress/pressure
  • Life altering illness or injury 
  • Chronic pain 
  • Conflicts or problems with In-laws
  • Parenting differences
  • Difficulties in agreeing upon whether to have a child/more children
  • Fertility 
  • Conflicts or stressors regarding step-children/blended families
  • Caring for aging parents
  • Loss of a parent 
  • Conflicts or stressors regarding ex-partners 
  • Diverging growth paths or interests 
  • Organizational challenges

Relationship Issues

Relationship Issues

Break Patterns

Break Patterns

I help people in relationships break unhealthy patterns such as:

  • Repetitive patterns of unproductive conflict
  • Use of defensiveness like deflecting, avoiding or shutting-down communication
  • Passive-aggressive behavior
  • Sarcasm
  • Manipulation/guilting
  • Shaming and blaming

  • Controlling 
  • Resentment
  • Disconnection 
  • Wrongful accusations/assumptions 
  • Codependence
  • Bickering and conflict about perceived unfairness in relationship

  • Respect 
  • Emotional Connection
  • Direct communication
  • Healthy boundaries
  • Mutual empathy and compassion
  • Resilience

  • Secure attachment
  • Sexual Intimacy
  • Fair division of labor 
  • Personal responsibility
  • Trust
  • Ability to find humor amidst difficult times

